Modern Spinal Decompression Therapy
There are a number of therapeutic approaches and treatment options to help with neck and lower back pain, especially when spinal discs and/or pinched nerves that affect the arms and legs are involved. In the realm of natural, conservative treatments for these conditions, traction is one of the oldest and time tested forms. It was used by the ancient Greeks (in what we would now consider rather crude formats) and has been used in more updated forms for the past 120 years by chiropractors and physical therapy practitioners. It has been proven to be safe and effective therapy for certain spinal conditions, especially those involving discs, nerves, and joints.
I have utilized various forms of traction/decompression treatment options for many years in my practice with a wide variety of patients and have observed overall positive clinical outcomes and results from this modality. We recently integrated a new Decompression table at Lotus Healing Arts and are proud to be utilizing modern, well-researched equipment that allows for the most comfortable and reliable treatment options for conservative spinal traction & Decompression therapy. What conditions might Spinal Decompression therapy treat?
Common Conditions Treated with Spinal Decompression/Traction
- Various types of neck and lower back pain
- Pain and dysfunction due to spinal discs: bulging, herniated, degenerative
- Pain and/or numbness in arms, hands, legs, feet from “pinched” spinal nerves
- Sciatic Nerve Pain: Hip, leg, foot
- Certain types of spinal arthritis and stenosis
- Acute/recent or Chronic Conditions
How does Spinal Decompression Treatment work and is it safe?
First, it is important to receive a professional evaluation to determine if spinal decompression therapy would be safe and appropriate. Naturally, this is based on each person’s unique history, physical findings, X-Rays, MRI findings, etc.. Otherwise, the treatment involves lying on one’s stomach or back with comfortable bracing and support. The table is then set to specific parameters to gently and slowly pull specific spinal structures apart, allowing for spinal decompression. This action helps to take pressure off of inflamed or irritated spinal discs, nerves, and joints, and also allows for enhanced healing due to heightened nutrient intake and toxins being removed from the irritated discs through increased local circulation.
How long does a spinal decompression session take and are they painful?
Spinal decompression sessions vary from 5-20 minutes, with the average session lasting 12-15 minutes. Spinal decompression treatments are always done with appropriate patient positioning and comfort in mind. No, the treatment sessions themselves are gentle and slow and can actually produce positive results in the short-term, with longer term pain reduction and healing being the ultimate goals.
How many Spinal Decompression treatments are needed to experience positive results?
This can vary, of course, based on each individual’s unique history and clinical presentation and whether a problem is acute or chronic. Some patients notice beneficial and positive effects after their first treatment, although most results tend to be accumulative. Generally speaking, positive results of pain reduction and increased function can usually be experienced within the initial 2-6 treatment sessions. Chronic and more serious conditions might require 10-20 treatment sessions to allow for positive outcomes and healing.
Are Spinal Decompression treatments used alone or combined with other treatment modalities?
Yes, it can be used as a stand- alone treatment and yet is often combined, for optimal results, with other treatment modalities, which often lends towards a healing, synergistic effect. These might include: Class IV laser therapy, manual myofascial therapies, healing electrical therapies (EMS, Pemf, ultrasound, diathermy, therapeutic & rehabilitative exercise protocols, and nutritional therapies).
Each individual patient is evaluated to determine what treatment options might be most appropriate for their condition and treatment options are always discussed openly.
How much do Spinal Decompression treatments cost and does health or accident insurance cover?
Spinal Decompression treatments at Lotus Healing Arts are very affordable and cost effective. Some health and accident insurance companies do cover for Spinal traction therapy and this can vary. We offer practical discounts and package deals for multiple treatment sessions, if these are necessary.
Please feel free to CONTACT Dr Ensweiler or Millard if you have any questions or concerns regarding Spinal Decompression therapy.
March 30, 2017 @ 9:32 am
I am interested in your services as I have back and neck issues. Could you give me some feed back as to how much the services cost? Thanks much, Darlene